Monday, December 12, 2011

Is there any scientific explanation for why the zodiac sign can describe one's character perfectly?

I'm a Scorpio and I'm exactly what is described as a Scorpio,also most of my friends behavior are exactly like their zodiac's.Anybody know an accurate explanation for that?|||This is called confirmation bias.

Confirmation bias refers to a type of selective thinking whereby one tends to notice and to look for what confirms one's beliefs, and to ignore, not look for, or undervalue the relevance of what contradicts one's beliefs. For example, if you believe that during a full moon there is an increase in admissions to the emergency room where you work, you will take notice of admissions during a full moon, but be inattentive to the moon when admissions occur during other nights of the month. A tendency to do this over time unjustifiably strengthens your belief in the relationship between the full moon and accidents and other lunar effects.

This tendency to give more attention and weight to data that support our beliefs than we do to contrary data is especially pernicious when our beliefs are little more than prejudices. If our beliefs are firmly established on solid evidence and valid confirmatory experiments, the tendency to give more attention and weight to data that fit with our beliefs should not lead us astray as a rule. Of course, if we become blinded to evidence truly refuting a favored hypothesis, we have crossed the line from reasonableness to closed-mindedness.

There is no evidence any of the many types of astrology is true. It is ancient, made up, belief based, and a stereotyping bigotry. It is fortune telling. No science can show that it can work. But there is science for why it can't work.|||its bull

you really think that every scorpio in the world is like you


its all commerical rubbish. Every now and then they will print something that applies to one person who reads it and theyll think its true (today its seems you are the example)|||Billions of people being categorized into 12 sections. Theres bound to be lucky hits with those odds.|||Thank you for asking a question that states Astrology is real.

I don't know how Exactly it works but its something like this- the gravitational pull of the Moon creates Tides in Earth's oceans. Similarly Planets exert some kind of influence on Human Beings. Different planets affect different things in a person.So actually the basis for this is SCIENCE and NOT SUPERSTITION.

If people were to actually carry out surveys they'd be able to see the TRUTH of ASTROLOGY.

I've wondered often enough why people and scientists don't study this more.


Please see Luvly Layla's answer here;…|||hmm, i wouldnt agree that you guys are EXACCTTLYY the same, but yeaah, it's likely you guys will have alot in common in your personalitiess. i'm not sure how these traits managed to be so accurate for a specific sign.. but impressive huh?|||Ambiguous categories.

"You are a hard-working person" -- everyone works hard at something

etc., etc.|||All the planets/stars/moons are lined up in such a way that is rotational - the gravitational force keeps us on Earth %26amp; gives us our weight, is responsible for the weather, the seasons, the tides and tidal waves, etc... being that we are made up of more than 90% water and are in amniotic fluid for 9 months-- I do think it is significant in our development as to the time of year we are born into- just like the seasons are changed by it... After all our hormones and everything that causes our emotions, actions, decisions, personality traits, etc are flowing thru our bloodstream and our brain (which is mostly water also) and it is all affected by the gravitational forces in the universe. With this being said, just as with any other science of predicting outcomes of what is to happen (like the weather) we can have a foundation of traits that people who have the same "development" turn out with due to the pressure or forces during the time we are being developed.|||The truth is that scientists are so totally baffled by it they are in denial.|||No. A realistic person would consider genetics, environment, culture, education, and economics circumstances first and birth chart after all that. Broaden your scope of exploration.|||no there isn't a scientific explanation for that, because everyone is different in a way.

maybe some of your characteristics are like a scorpio but its not like that for other people who are scorpions.|||Yup, the zodiac is surely true and has been of use since the beginning of time of the Egyptians. But some people weren't even aloud to use it, if they were caught using or studying astrology, they would be killed back then so that tells you something. It also matters about the whole birth chart not just your sun sign; Astrology is a tool of divination I think and it's real so be careful. Also I'm studying a little bit of Heliocentric Astrology, meaning the stars and planet point in certain signs at a sun-centered view instead of earth-centered. So take in account your opposite sign of Scorpio, which is Taurus or just go to google and type Earth in Taurus instead of Sun in Scorpio.|||I don't believe it can. I've read things about my sign that in my opinion are not characteristic of me.|||You have 12 signs. Your asc, moon, sun, mer, mars ect ect.

There's bound to be one that fits you. Or they all join together to make you.|||No there is no scientific explanation but there is a truth to it that no one can figure out the reason to. If the people who bash it would look deeper into the actual study of astrology, they would realize it can describe them pretty accurately. Astrology even says what signs and aspects are least likely to believe in astrology and it's actually true about it! No one knows how to explain these coincidences so it's thought of as something mystical to explain it, but their probably is a science behind it that no one's discovered yet. My guess is that it relates to psychology more than astronomy and some how relates to something like environments at a time of birth that effects the brain development or something. I honestly don't know if there is a science or if it is just a coincidence but it certainly does have a lot of truth to it.|||probably certain cosmic energy waves at the time and place of your birth effect u, like weather effects people's moods and traits ,maybe its like that too. its tricky but im just guessing.|||i agree w/ kayleigh

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