Thursday, December 15, 2011

How do the zodiac constellations differ from the rest of the bodies in the universe?

What is the difference between the zodiac constellations and the other objects like planets and other cellestial bodies in the universe?|||First let me clear one thing. Constellations did not exist BEFORE us. Rather, constellations are invented by man to group the stars in a manageable number. Imagine knowing each stars individually...Whew!!!

Anyways, there are around 88 constellations in our skies. 12 of them are included in the Zodiac. The Zodiac is a line of constellations which mark the ecliptic.

Ecliptic is the imaginary line which marks the path of the moon, sun and planets across the sky. If for example, you were to darken the sun and observe its movement across the skies, it would pass through this line and so will the planets and the moon. As I said earlier the eclipitic is marked by a group of constellations in which the ecliptic passes through,

There are twelve of these constellations as I have said earlier. they are listed here in order

Aquarius-water bearer









Scorpius(NOT scorpio)-scorpion


Capricornus(not Capricorn)-goat

There is one constellation which is TECHNICALLY included in the Zodiac. (it actually marks the ecliptic) IT's name is Opiuchus(the serpent holder) maybe because of superstitions the people did not add it. When you look at a star chart, it is in between the constellations Scorpio and Capricornus.|||The constellations of the zodiac are entirely imaginary. Different cultures have different constellations. Constellations are created by the human mind after connection of a few dots in the sky with imaginary lines. Planets, stars, galaxies, clusters of galaxies and so forth are real.|||The stars comprising the zodiac signs are exactly the same as any of the other stars you see. Planets, moons, meteors, and comets are not stars, although they are often visible because of the reflected light from the Sun.|||basically constellation is a group of stars (and maybe including planets) observed to move together, in a group. zodiac constellations are no different from other constellations.

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