Monday, December 12, 2011

Which zodiac have the worst set of manners?

Which zodiac has the best?

Or is there a particular zodiac?|||If we were going by our own personal experiences with people, I've met a Taurus who was supremely rude and disrespectful and a Virgo who was disrespectful only to his relatives but never to strangers.

That doesn't say much, since we are only talking generally about Sun signs.

Scorpios and Sagittarians can be blunt, but I rather like that.

Aries are rude only when angry, especially if they can find no way of actually blowing up at the person involved, due to social considerations. Unable to throw their weight around physically, they may pointedly ignore the other person, slam doors, speak loudly, or even cry.

Leos are generally the soul of courtesy, as are Librans, and neither sign would breach that code of honor without extreme provocation. Perhaps alcohol would have to be involved, or unfaithfulness.

Aquarians also hold themselves back very well, but a truly angry Aquarian can be both rude and unreasonable.|||I do! Im so rude. Leo/ Sag moon/

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|||I think it's weird to call a specific zodiac the one with the worst set of manners... or best...

but I have a Virgo rising and that is supposed to give me better manners in some ways, so I'd say Virgo has the best just because of that.

I'm not sure if it's because of my rising that I think "ew" whenever someone blows their nose in public or around people or when people cough or sneeze. :P My sister is the opposite, she can burp among people while I think that is not appropiate in any way and I never ever blow my nose around other people. Not even family, unfortionally my relatives are pretty good at doing so. Gross... why blow your nose among people when there's a toilet a few meters away? or if you're outside you might as well wait.

My sister is an Aqua sun, Leo rising, Sagittarius venus (that's what I remember) but that has nothing to do with this. But she has bad manners for different reasons, not just for burping ;)|||I am basing this off from personal experience.

Worst would have to be Aries. With me, all they want to do is argue with me and they think they are best, and I can't stand snobs lol.

Best would have to be Leo. Not only are they like the "leader" of the zodiac but they come off as elegant and regal|||Worst: Sagittarius (mean, rude and "blunt") and Pisces (have you ever seen one eat...ugh)

Best: Capricorn (rules are our specialty) and Virgo (picky about everything anyway.)|||Well it depends more on the person and the rest of their birth chart, but sun signs in general, for best manners I would say libra and for worst manners I would say aries.|||worst: pisces, leo, and maybe Scorpio

best: Virgo, Capricorn|||Sagitarius -%26gt; worst!

Virgo -%26gt; best!|||worst: aries, leo

best capricorn scorpio

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